Distributed Ledger Technology has been introduced by TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) in year 2018 and the purpose of this technology in the telecom sector is to control the spamming, fishing and unsolicited SMS broadcasting. This is the best technology functional in this sector from the last eight months successfully and every operator has their own DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) platform to control their gateways messaging spams. Reliance JIO is also one of the biggest telecom operators in India and they have also introduced the technology for their platform to control it. There is a best JIO DLT Registration service provider where anyone can register their Entity in JIO DLT platform. We are going to introduce step by step guidance for free DLT Registration in JIO DLT platform.
First of all we need to know the complete process and purpose of the DLT technology. It has been divided into the three steps:
1. Entity Registration
2. Header Registration
3. Template Registration
First part of DLT registration is Entity or Enterprise registration in the JIO DLT platform. Here entity needs to upload the required documents with the properly stamped and signed if they are Enterprise with company or brand name. If you have not registered with any other DLT then you have to select in Question of: Are you already registered as a Principal Entity? NO, if already registered with any other DLT then YES. After that you have to enter few your authorization details like; Authorized Person Name, Organization Name, Organization Category, PAN/TAN number, KYC Documents soft copy; TAN / GST Certificate / Incorporation Certificate / Trade License / Shop Registration etc., Email ID, contact number, address. After uploading the documents it may take 48hr. of time to verify your uploaded documents. Once the documents properly verified you will get an Entity Registration Number with the Certificate in your registered mail ID. Now your Entity has been registered successfully and you can proceed for further steps.
Documents Required for DLT Registration:
1. PAN SOFTCOPY (Company)
2. PAN SOFTCOPY (Authorized Person)
3. GST / TAN / Incorporation Certificate / Shop Registration.
4. Mobile Number.
5. Email Id.
Second part of DLT registration is Header or Sender id registration in JIO DLT platform. Now you can search a Header for your Entity and it should be related to your entity name otherwise the DLT platform can reject your sender id if it doesn’t match with their standar rules and format. A header is a unique 6 character’s alpha related to your organization’s name or short name, if it’s not available in the search you have to choose any other sender id. Once your sender id uploaded successfully i t may also take 24 to 48hr. of the time for the approval from JIO DLT platform. This is the second step completed once your header is approved.
Eg.: If you Entity name id OS DIGITAL, your header should be OSDGTL, OSDIGI
Third part of DLT registration is template registration in JIO DLT platform. In template registration you need to first enter the consent template i.e. a purpose description of your template and then you can enter your message template to define all the variables in the content part. After entering your content template, the end of the message content should be your Brand Name. Once you’re both part of the template uploaded in the JIO DLT platform it will also get approved from the DLT platform in the next 24 to 48hr. of time. Once the messages template gets approved, now you are able to use it in the SMS panel and start sending your SMS to avail a service from the best bulk SMS provider company.
Eg.: Dear {#var#} your registration number is {#var#} and registration date {#var#} -OS DIGITAL