DLT Platform Implementation processes are creating panic for Enterprises and Telemarketers because of its non uniform platform in terms of various operators and timing to enforce the implementation of the platform. Now most of the MSME Telemarketers have fear to lose their business because of DLT Implementation. TRAI(Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has almost finished their role and it seems the regulating authority for messaging and voice services will be Tanla Solutions Limited, because they have developed the DLT Platform and most of the Operators are using the DLT Platform developed by Tanla. So, now most of the Entity and Telemarketer registrations on various operators DLT Platform are handled and approved by Tanla Solutions Limited.
Who is Tanla Solutions Limited? This is one of the biggest players in the telecommunication industry and approx 50% of the commercial Messages and Voice are terminated through the Tanla platform. It’s one of the biggest aggregators in the industry where more than 10 billions of Messages and Voice are terminated through different operators’ platforms monthly. So Tanla Solutions Limited is an aggregator like most of the Telemarketers who are Directly and Indirectly integrating with the Telecom Operators and buying messages and voice services from them. As we already have told, now most of the operators are using the DLT Platform powered by Tanla and its authorities are decision makers for whom they have to approve in the platform and to whom they have to reject. Even If you will see the DLT Platform developed for Government Operators, like; MTNL(Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited) and BSNL(Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) are developed by Tanla. Now this is not a problem that any one private organization has developed this platform for the government organization, but the problem is one aggregator and competitor will give approval for another aggregator and their customers registration and CLIs on behalf of any telecom operator. So, most of the people in the industry are trying to understand, where is the role of TRAI in between and this is an example to give Freedom and Encouragement to Monopoly by one of the biggest aggregators in the industry.
Today, there is a lot of confusion in the people associated with Messaging and Voice related services because they are not able to see the roles and responsibility of TRAI, only they give notifications to implement the platform to the operators. Why TRAI has not developed a Centralized DLT Platform for Enterprises, Telemarketers and Operators, so that they can register at that platform only and TRAI shared the data according to the requirement of Operators service. If the actual regulatory authority will be the third party private organization, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India will lose the faith of thousands of the associated people in this industry and most important thing is timing for the enforcement of implementation.
Now, the biggest question is implementation of the DLT Platform in this time, where most places in India are under lockdown and not in operative, still operators are intending to implement the DLT platform and pressurizing the Entities to do registration in DLT platform to stop their services. Today, most of the industries like; Software, Automobile, E-commerce, Education, Healthcare, Logistics, Retails, Government, Real Estate, Banking & Finance, Media & Entertainment, Hotels & Restaurant, Event Management, Travels & Tourism, Marketing & Advertising are either shut down or some of them are partially open and they are not able to arrange the documents in this time to register under the platform. Even there is no relaxation on documentation process and asking to follow their hard rules for registration under the platform otherwise they will stop their service and Enterprises will not be able to communicate their customer in this time through the messages and voice. Operators are also asking for the LOA in Rs 50/- stamp papers with notarized. There are no government officials to see how an Enterprise will arrange these documents and submit the Agreement with noterise in Stamp paper. So today we are questioning the TRAI(Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) on behalf of all the Enterprises, how they will follow and arrange all the documentation processes in this time and situation and why some of the DLT Platform handling authorities are creating Monopoly.